Dril Is Everyone. More Specifically, He’s a Guy Named Paul

TLC (Teaching and Learning College)

Dril Is Everyone. More Specifically, He’s a Guy Named Paul

April 13, 2023 at 12:07AM

Describing the impact that Dril has made on Twitter — and by extension, on digital culture at large — is difficult to do without simply reading off a selection of his utterly unhinged mini-missives. Thankfully, Nate Rogers resists the trap (at least to a degree), and instead turns in a compelling, well-reported profile of the man behind the blurry Jack Nicholson avatar. With a last name and everything!

To most people, he is nothing; show the unaffiliated some of his posts, and they will likely just generate confusion and possibly anguish. (“Uh, so, I think I’ll stick with gardening. Where bull poop helps good things grow, and the tweets come from birds, not nitwits,” read one of many upset people in the comment section of a recent Washington Post feature about Dril, inadvertently adopting their own Dril-esque cadence in the process.) But to a large sect of the Very Online, he is king—the undisputed poet laureate of shitposting, the architect of a satire so effective that it has become impossible to tell when Dril stopped mocking the way people speak online and when we, instead, started speaking like Dril online.

from Longreads https://longreads.com/2023/04/12/dril-is-everyone-more-specifically-hes-a-guy-named-paul/


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