How I Became a Modern Bootlegger

TLC (Teaching and Learning College)

How I Became a Modern Bootlegger

August 01, 2023 at 05:12AM

A blisteringly honest account of the thrill of the drug business. It’s not all about money, it’s about avoiding the “mind-numbing, soul-destroying drudgery at the jobs that are available to you.”

It would be more noble to say that I smuggled drugs out of economic desperation, but that’s not true. I liked the rush. I also liked the people I dealt with, and the exposure to the human condition. Even after 25 years in journalism, I never knew humanity the way I did working at a strip club and moving product. In the dark, you see people close up. You learn who has a good soul and whose is muddy. You have to trust your gut. People will show themselves to you and it’s important that you listen.

from Longreads


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