The Darkness That Blew My Mind

TLC (Teaching and Learning College)

The Darkness That Blew My Mind

March 27, 2024 at 04:26AM

Tim Neville encounters himself in this piece—after immersing himself in darkness for a few days. His thought processes (and hallucinations) during this sensory deprivation are fascinating, and Neville does not hold back in sharing the places his mind takes him to.

At first the visions are fun, because they seem so real. I blink a dozen times to confirm that the room has indeed become a limestone cave illuminated by beams that shoot from my eyes. And the darkness is no longer monolithic, but swirls with shades of black and a parade of textures. Meanwhile, my proprioceptive senses have gone haywire. I take a bath, and when the water cools I can see my foot reach up to find the hot-water faucet handle. I can’t see any detail. My foot just looks like a darker, smoother patch of darkness, but there’s no mistaking that it’s there.

from Longreads


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