‘They Scream in Hunger’ – How Israel is Starving Gaza
March 27, 2024 at 10:14PMThis piece is simple, with the reporters detailing the meals of three families in Gaza over three days, counting their calorie intake. It’s a strikingly effective way of highlighting the reality of hunger: by removing the higher constructs and focusing on the day-to-day the concept of famine becomes more than just a concept.
After having nothing to eat for breakfast or lunch, the family managed to get hold of three tins of fava beans.
Umm Mohammed puts aside two tins, knowing they may not be able to get any food tomorrow.
“What should I do? If I feed them today, how will I feed them tomorrow? I keep thinking, how will I provide them with food for the next day?”
from Longreads https://longreads.com/2024/03/27/they-ccream-in-hunger-how-israel-is-starving-gaza/